
My role: Experience Design, UI Design, Branding

Dec 2023 - Feb 2024

Project Overview

The Problem

Targeted Solution and Goal

Competitive Analysis

User Interviews

Themes and Insights

Finding venues, and having venue options

In the midst of the pandemic, Shindig emerged as a solution to the challenges faced in event planning. Originally envisioned for weddings, our research, including user journey maps, interviews, and empathy maps, revealed a broader appeal. Shindig was not just for couples planning weddings, but for anyone organizing events. This realization prompted a reevaluation of our branding, design, and name. The Shindig journey exemplifies our commitment to adaptability and user-centric design, ensuring it caters to a diverse audience beyond our initial assumptions.

Within the realm of event planning, individuals undertaking the organization of significant gatherings, such as weddings or celebratory events, often encounter a myriad of challenges that engender feelings of overwhelm and frustration. The complexities inherent in orchestrating such occasions, from managing logistics to coordinating various stakeholders, frequently result in a daunting and burdensome experience for planners. This overwhelming nature of event planning not only undermines the joy and excitement associated with these milestones but also leads some individuals to contemplate drastic alternatives, such as eloping, in a bid to circumvent the stress and complexities involved.

To develop a user-centric digital platform, named Shindig, designed to streamline the event planning process for individuals organizing large gatherings, including weddings and other celebrations. Shindig will offer intuitive tools and features to simplify logistical tasks, facilitate communication between stakeholders, provide personalized recommendations, and alleviate the stress associated with event coordination.

While examining the landscape of existing solutions, it became evident that many competitors in the market tend to focus on serving specific user demographics or event types, rather than catering to a diverse range of users. This narrow approach often results in fragmented experiences for users who may require a more comprehensive and inclusive platform.

Through a thorough examination of similar applications, we identified common traits among the most successful ones. These leading apps typically feature informative sections dedicated to event planning guidance, providing users with valuable insights and resources to enhance their organizing experience. Additionally, they incorporate interactive placement maps, allowing users to visualize event locations and optimize logistical planning. Furthermore, user account functionalities are consistently present across successful platforms, enabling personalized experiences and seamless access to essential features.

The User interviews were critical in understanding our users perspectives. I conducted four interviews with users from ages 18- 35. I asked each user to explain what they wanted when it came to planning an event.


  • Tell me about a venue you have wanted to book?

  • What would prompt you to go the app route?

  • What is your process for planning an event?

  • What is the most difficult part of planning an event?

Theme 1 : Organization

  • When organized users understand their next steps.

  • They have a sense of relief and are calm.

  • There are less distractions and users are not sidetracked.

Theme 2 : Lists

  • With a list users are confident and motivated.

  • Users have a visual reminder of what they have accomplished already.

  • Users have improved their time management.

Theme 3 : Outcome

  • Interviewees think greatly about the outcome of their event.

  • The outcome is determined by how close to the users vision the event turned out.

  • The outcome determines whether the user will use the app again.

Brainstorming and designs

Three Main Flows

Creating and maintaining your checklist

Keeping track of all the apps features

Final Design and Concepts

Final Thoughts

Completing this project has underscored the significance of purposeful consideration for every aspect, emphasizing how each element can profoundly shape the final outcome

