
Check out a glimpse of my social media presence showcasing daily updates across Instagram, Twitter, and my blog on Medium. I love sharing my latest discoveries and the ways I'm honing my skills as a UX/UI designer. Social media serves as an invaluable platform when wielded effectively—connecting, learning, and fostering growth. Join me on this journey!


Here's my newest endeavor in my social media journey. I've ventured into YouTube to offer viewers a window into my daily life. Through this platform, I aim to showcase my design process, provide insights into applying for positions, and illustrate my work-life balance. I'm eager to engage with viewers, welcoming their suggestions and questions. Click the link below to dive into my story.


Join me as I document my daily journey in UX/UI design. As I strive to refine my design skills, I'm excited to share my progress with you all on Instagram. Expect updates on not just my enhancements, but also insights into my current projects and my aspirations to delve into new realms of design.


I love adding a unique flair to my daily goal posts and design updates, while also offering insights into my design thought process. Engaging with the thoughts and activities of fellow seasoned UX designers keeps me inspired and informed. Twitter/X serves as my go-to platform for staying abreast of the latest in the design community and for sharing my own ideas with everyone.


Designed with Grace